Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kopitalisme: Laws, ideologies,theories are always never enough. Simply because people are not some static creature... They are growing, changing, and moving. But hey, most of us are connected with COFFEE and MUSIC:-) Kopitalistic Verses: One of the most universal -morning- ritual: IS TO DRINK COFFEE...:) Terminology of "Kopitalisme": Is taken from the words of "Kopi" and "Kental", means "Thick or Black Coffee" in Indonesian language. So, the word of "isme" is just a parody. Kopitalisme is also a humorous Paronomasia of "Kapitalisme" (Capitalism). Brief info, please visi Kopitalisme Blog. Or, the complite collection of the Kopitalistic writings , please visit Kopitalisme (Indonesian language).

We continously and actively posting series of *Kopitalistic Verses* (classified as DAS KOPIkenTAL) into online medias such as blogs, websites, mailing lists, online forums. Locally, Nationally, and Internationally.

We also monitoring and following the lines between the *Kopitalistic* issues and contents on online medias into the offline medias, such as newspapers and televisions.

One of the methode that we use, is creating new words and meanings. One of the purpose of this words creation is to see how effective mailing lists are can be used in order to spread the message, thoughts and ideas.
Some of the words created by Kopitalisme, are: TuHanTu (Tuhan=God, Hantu=Ghost) and JournaLipstick.

The term of ´Kopitalisme´ itself later being found as a title of an article in -one of the- main National newspaper of Indonesia named Republika (click here) The article smells like a Public Relation job, for Starbucks Indonesia.

Kopitalistic Verses (DAS KOPIkenTAL) is an unique and original style of writings, by playing with words, paronomasias, and also by using and quoting some of the rock songs and lyrics, like Queen, Duran Duran, Bon Jovi, John Lennon, etc.

Creativist: Myth by Design

“ Kumpulkan atau temuilah para Pakar; Kebudayaan, Neurosains, Kimia, Mikro-Biologi, Filsafat, Fisika Quantum, lalu tanyakan pada mereka apa itu „ Kesadaran ‟…? Nisacaya, mereka akan „menjawabmu‟ dengan sebuah PERTANYAAN… ”

Jawaban dari „PERTANYAAN‟ susulan mereka itu adalah…
Salah satu dari kepingan „peta‟ yang hilang dalam manuskript cerita bergenre sains-fiksi bertitel 'Imaginary City of Pathzy'
Banyak cara untuk 'membumikan sains'... Salah satunya dengan cerita dongeng tentang sebuah potensi destinasi wisata...

Myth by Design by Creativist