Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Kopitalistic Verses: One of the most universal -morning- ritual: IS TO DRINK COFFEE...:)

Terminology of "Kopitalisme": Is taken from the words of "Kopi" and "Kental", means "Thick Coffee" in Indonesian language.

So, the word of "isme" is just a parody. Kopitalisme is also a humorous Paronomasia of "Kapitalisme" (Capitalism).

The complite collection of the ´Kopitalistic´ writings , go to Kopitalisme (Indonesian language).


Abu Farhan said...

Canggih na tulisan ta di!
Salut ka bela.

Abu Farhan said...

silakan akses www.selayar.com, cari di about us. :) Ditunggu yah!

Anonymous said...

hi, nice to meet u here friend!
let's be friends in Mylot.

see ya